Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another Sunday at the Park

This will be my last catching up post of the night. I am pretty tired and I am happy with the progress I have made. This is an important lesson I hope to learn so I can teach you: progress not perfection. I've already explained how I feel about Sundays here, so let's get on with the pics.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Vist with Aunt Ellen

I am quite ashamed that during a visit with a good portion of the family your father and I managed to miss any opportunity of taking their photos for you. We are so used to shooting you we really missed the boat on this one.
Your Aunt (o.k. she's your Dad's aunt but, I don't think she'd appreciate the "great" title) was up from North Carolina visiting and the best shot we managed to get was this one with her foot in the background. Nice, huh?

You were really enjoying this rocking chair. It is your Uncle Bob's (another "great" guy), he's a little big for it nowadays so you got the honors.
You were having a ton of fun rocking.
We did manage to get a picture of you with Grammy. Oh, and the back of Uncle Mark's head. And that's why I have this blog, to celebrate everyday with you and fill in all the little details I missed.

More fun feeding the Animals

When we go to the park to feed the animals I never seem to get any good pictures of you interacting with the animals. I guess this is because they only care about us when we are feeding them and I have not figured out a good technique for feeding the animals, making sure you are seeing what's going on, and snapping pictures.
This time I figured you were old enough to feed the animals while I snapped away.
Yeah, right. This is you tormenting the animals by snacking on the carrots we have brought for them. I am pretty sure you know what you are doing because you have the hugest smile on your face and you aren't looking at the carrot you are chowing on, you are looking right in to the eyes of the horse or goat or llama. Maybe in a couple more months.
Poor Donkey, please accept my apology. My baby may or may not know any better. I promise to give you the carrot after he's had his fun.
Really he is a sweet boy. I am sure he'll give it up any minute now.
It was cold on this particular day (seriously it was in the mid-thirties). This is what it took to get you out of the house comfortably: onesie, turtleneck, sweater, puffy vest, leggings, pants, socks, sneakers, and hat. It is quite a struggle getting you to cooperate but so worth it. We are New Englanders darn it! Nothing short of a blizzard will keep us crammed in the house for too long.
By the way, that dumbfounded look on your face was in reaction to the events in the next picture.
Yep, we had a blast! Next time I think I'll bring a snack for you. I'll man the carrots.

Catching Up

Technical difficulties have stalled my blogging. To make a long, boring story short, Karl had to back up all of our files to another hard drive, wipe this computer clean, and reinstall everything. Not fun. I am back up and running now. I did realize as I started to post that I had to reinstall CS3 and our camera software first. So now I will do my best to catch up before something else distracts me.

These pictures were taken after returning home from Auntie Beth's birthday party. You were so well-behaved. I thought the loud and large crowd would scare you but you were quite the personality. You were crawling up to complete strangers and climbing up their pant legs, flashing your best, aren't I adorable?, smile. I think you are just very comfortable there. You love playing with Sammy ( the dog) and all the attention Auntie Beth and her girls shower on you.

I sometimes wonder where you get the Evil Knievel streak from. I don't think I was that much of a daredevil. You have been scaling the couch for sometime. And now this....
Suddenly all of your toys have become step stools or climbing structures. Actually I have become an obstacle course for you, you love climbing over me when I lay on the floor.

I am not looking forward to the days when you start climbing trees!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Comments Made Easier.

Sorry about the problems leaving comments. I have changed my comments settings. You do not need to have a blog or Google account to comment here anymore. Just click on name/url tab and enter your name, you do not need to enter a url. You can also post anonymously if you want to be all sneaky like. Hope this helps because I just love seeing your comments here!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Free Class!

I found this class through Jessica's blog. I recently found her site while looking for some photoshop help. Can I just say what a generous woman, offering tons of free advice and now a free class.
I am excited about this class because I am constantly struggling to document memories for Teige. As a child I always wanted more in the way of stories and memories. I can't wait!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Your First Haircut

This weekend your Daddy and I brought you to get your first haircut. What an adventure! There was an hour wait. During which we: went shopping, fed you lunch, and hoped you wouldn't get cranky. You were such a trooper.

Evidence of how badly I needed to let go and sacrifice your baby locks.Despite the boy that screamed bloody murder throughout his haircut, you were happy to get up into the chair. Just look at how excited you were.You waited patiently for the excitement to begin.

The hairdresser loved cutting your hair. She was very impressed by how laid back you were. You giggled and scrunched up your face every timee she worked on the back of your head. It must have tickled you.

Ahhh... I can see those beautiful baby blues. You get those from me you know.

So handsome! I am a little sad because you look like such a big boy.
Don't worry about me I'll get over it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I don't know what else to say. This is, by far, the best shot of you I have ever captured.

10 Months Old!

Today you turned ten months old. I cannot beleive how fast these months have flown by. It seems like just yesterday you were the little baby that depended on us for everything. Now look at you riding on that plane all by yourself. (sniff)

You've come a long way, baby.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nosey Parker

Originally uploaded by teigesmom
Who? You. You love looking out the window to see what is going on out in the world. The window behind your father and my bed is your favorite. It is the perfect vantage point for you to see the cars driving by. If we let you play in our bed at night, after the shades are closed, you lift up the shade and peek out.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sundays are for Family

I miss the old Blue Collar laws. Once upon a time Sundays were for rest, relaxation, and reconnecting with loved ones. Stores were not open to lure one with retail therapy. We are making a conscious effort to revive the tradition.

To spend one sacred day with the ones we love.

To slow down and cacth our breath.
To enjoy the moment

To have fun.

To be together.

Quite Possibly the Most Important Election of Our Lives

Are you registered to vote?
You can find the deadlines to register to vote right here. Better yet, I included info for my family below. You know, in case you were too busy to click there.

You must:
Be a citizen of the United States
Be a resident North Carolina and the county in which your live for at least 30 days prior to the election
Be 18 years of age by the day of the next general election
Have your rights of citizenship restored if you have been convicted of a felony
Not be registered to vote in any other county or state
Registration Deadline: 25 days before the election
Date of Primary: Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Primary Registration Deadline: Saturday, April 11, 2008 (30 days prior)
State Election Website:

You must:
Be a citizen of the United States
Be a resident of Massachusetts
Be 18 years old
Not have been convicted of corrupt practices in respect to elections
Not be under guardianship with respect to voting
Registration Deadline: 20 days before the election
State Election

10 Reasons to Love Fall

1) The colors are amazing
2) You can smell the fireplaces burning when you go for a walk
3) Cooler weather = drier walks
4) Hot Chocolate
5) Halloween
6) Apple picking and baking your bounty
7) Thanksgiving, Mmmm... stuffing
8) the stuffed pumpkin we had for supper last week (notice the food associations)
9)The sounds of; rustling leaves, crackling fires, and family coming together for the holidays
10) Most importantly, how stinkin' cute you look bundled up in fleece outfits

I got these outfits at Kohl's Saturday night while Daddy got you ready for bed.
I also got you this cute little guy.

I could't resist!